There’s no doubt about it, military procurement is a long, tough hike.

To the uninitiated, it can be a complex and confusing space, where the pieces are always on the move.

We can’t change the business, but we can impact how the business is done, the ‘journey’.

We believe there are ways to make it better. We like to think of ourselves as way-finders — trusted guides on your procurement journey. We constantly consider new ways to do this. Charted or uncharted, we’ve got it covered.

As ex-military professionals, we use foresight and insight to match clients and suppliers to support the needs of end-users in the field. From the first time you meet us, until the point we know you’re completely satisfied, we’re on call.

Our work doesn’t finish there. Continuity of your operations is paramount to us. We’ve got your back, from sourcing, to procuring, to installation, and training. You can trust that we’ve mapped the process from end to end.

Sure, everyone says, “we do things better”, but how many of them mean it? From our perspective, actions speak louder than words.

We care a great deal about how we conduct our business.
Best value, first time, on time.

About us

A journey needs a guide. Someone who knows the terrain, can set up camp, and manage the porters. Someone to ensure loads are evenly distributed and be responsible for the group's safety. Like a Sherpa.

We liaise with our clients, support them along the track, and then run ahead to ensure the site is ready before everyone and everything arrives at camp. Highly skilled and experienced, we prepare the route for others to follow, fixing ropes in place and carrying the necessary kit up the mountain. Okay, maybe we over-rinsed the metaphor.

Suffice to say: We plan. We deliver. We communicate and train. We never tire. Our team has been involved in over $85M worth of acquisitions worldwide, helping military units plan their requirements and navigate complex procurement pathways. It’s what we do.


Our Values


Authentic connections

Open, honest, candid, true. We value authenticity. If we can’t work within the time-frame, we’ll say so. If expectations are set too high, we’ll say so.

We are part of a chain — a team. This concept only works where there is authenticity.

No shortcuts

There’s value and there is cheap. There’s efficient and there is rushed. There’s quantity and there is quality. We are a strategy-first consultancy, delivering the best value for all our stakeholders. The right stuff at the right time, as promised.

So there really are no shortcuts. Just an end to end solution.

Exceptional execution

We care a great deal about how we conduct our business. Our work is done right.

The satisfaction of our clients and end-users in the field is of utmost importance.

Best value, first time, on time.

Foresight + insight

Experience has taught us to always view logistics projects from end to end. There can be no quick-fix, nor will we ever put tactics before strategy.

When our clients brief us, they get critical thinking. We start by asking the right questions to help them get to where they need to be.